Outreach and service
I am actively engaged in scientific outreach and professional committees, with a passion for communicating science to diverse audiences and working in teams towards the successful completion of projects. I have organized networking opportunities, workshops, and conference sessions. In these roles, I focus on scientific content, transferable skills, diverse speaker representation, and fostering an open, welcoming environment for fellow scientists. You can find more details on my current and past outreach activities and other professional roles below.

Venus Resources
I led a team to develop the “Venus Resources” webpage, offering a comprehensive overview of Venus mission data, ground-based observations, derived research products, experimental facilities, and software. This guide serves as a stepping stone for (new) members of the Venus research community.

Astronomy on Tap public outreach talk
One of my most fun and engaging talks: I presented ‘Unveiling Venus: Earth’s Evil Twin’ to the public at the Astronomy on Tap event, organized by Caltech’s Astro Outreach.

Astronomy on Tap public outreach talk
One of my most fun and engaging talks: I presented ‘Unveiling Venus: Earth’s Evil Twin’ to the public at the Astronomy on Tap event, organized by Caltech’s Astro Outreach.
Outreach activities
Public outreach activities
Outreach event at the ‘Maker Days‘, Kentucky Science Center, Louisville, USA: NASA booth and “Postcard from Venus” activity.
Public speaker on Astronomy on Tap, Los Angeles (Caltech Astro Outreach), ‘Unveiling Venus, Earth’s evil twin‘
Appearance in outreach media (video, podcast, written)
Expert opinion quote in The New York Times article ‘Rivers of Lava on Venus Reveal a More Volcanically Active Planet‘
On-camera appearance in the History Channel‘s TV documentary “The UnXplained: Mysteries of the Universe“, season 1 episode 4: “Venus: Earth’s evil twin”
On-camera appearance in the History Channel‘s TV documentary “The UnXplained: Mysteries of the Universe“, season 1 episode 3: “Mysterious Earth”
Expert opinion quote in Scientific American article ‘New Map Reveals Secrets of Io, the Solar System’s Most Volcanic Moon‘
Expert opinion quote in The New York Times article ‘Billions of Years Ago, Venus May Have Had a Key Earth-like Feature‘
Interviewed for, and quoted in, the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung article ‘Lava für die Liebesgöttin‘
Expert opinion quote in National Geographic article ‘Venus is volcanically alive, stunning new find shows‘
Feature in blog post ‘Women claim their space in science and encourage you to do the same!‘, European Geoscience Union
Scientific guest in podcast episode ‘Unraveling the geologic history of Venus‘, ‘The Cosmic Cast’ podcast and YouTube channel
Interviewee in a Women-in-STEM interview for GAIA (Dutch network for women in Earth Sciences): ‘Interview with dr. Anna Gülcher‘
Peer-reviewed outreach articles
Gülcher, A. J. P. (2021) A surprisingly geologically active Venus – evidence for recent volcanic and tectonic activity. The Science Breaker, Earth and Space, DOI: 10.25250/thescbr.brk555
Gülcher, A. J. P. (2020) Evidence for a hotspot Venus – clues from mysterious coronae. Nature Astrononomy ‘behind the paper’, https://go.nature.com/ 30HTHYP
Authored outreach blog posts
The first observational evidence for a volcanically active Venus, EGU Geodynamics blog ‘Peculiar Planets’
Be the next Early Career Scientist Representative for the Geodynamics Division! EGU Geodynamics blog
What to expect from vEGU21: virtual General Assembly, EGU Geodynamics blog
First-time convening an EGU session? Some advice from Early Career Scientists, feature for ‘GeoLog’ blog
Venus: Science! Today! EGU Geodynamics blog ’Peculiar Planets’
#ShareEGU20_GD: online EGU General Assembly highlights, EGU Geodynamics blog
Zurich: surrounded by a geologist’s playground, EGU ‘Geology in the city’ blog
Edited outreach blog posts
Work-life balance during a PhD, ‘The PhD Chronicles’, Dr. Ben Knight
The most important aspect of your PhD: supervisor-student relationship, ‘The PhD Chronicles’, Dr. Diana Avadanii
Finding support in a four-legged friend, ‘The PhD Chronicles’, Dr. Lori Willhite
First time… Publishing a paper, ‘The PhD Chronicles’, Dr. Jamie Ward
Should I… Do a coding-based PhD when I don’t have much experience coding? ‘The PhD Chronicles’, Dr. Dan Spencer
Geodynamics 101: Dynamic Topography, Dr. Fred Richards
Starting to teach? Here are three tips!, Dr. Menno Fraters
The challenges and the-perks of being academic nomads, Dr. Irene Bonati
The conundrum posed by data and models, Dr. Dan Bower
Adaption, Prof. Nicolas Coltice
It doesn’t work! (Asking questions about scientific software), Dr. Patrick Sanan
Professional service
Planetary science mission involvement
03.2023 – present
NASA‘s VERITAS mission: scientific collaborator (led by S. Smrekar, JPL)
Professional roles
07.2023 – 07.2026
NASA’s Venus Exploration and Analysis Group (VExAG) Steering Committee member
Three-year appointment as a member of the VExAG Steering Committee
05.2020 – 05.2022
European Geoscience Union (EGU) Geodynamics (GD) division: Early Career Scientist Representative
Two-year appointment to represent Early Career Scientists in the European Geoscience Union
05.2019 – 01.2023
05.2020 – 01.2023
EGU Geodynamics division: social media and outreach content manager
Institutional responsibilities (selected)
05.2020 – 05.2022
ETH Zürich: Lead organiser of the 2022 Doctoral Retreatfor 100+ PhDs/Postdocs from the Department of Earth Sciences
09.2021 – 09.2022
ETH Zürich: co-organiser of the Fix the Leaky Pipeline peer-mentoring group (Women-in-STEM program)
09.2015 – 09.2016
Utrecht University: Consultant to the Board of Education (Geosciences department)
09.2015 – 09.2016
Utrecht University: President of the Women’s Geological Society Utrecht
Full conference/workshop organisation
‘Feedbacks between mantle composition, structure and evolution’ virtual mini-workshop
Session convening and chairing
EGU General Assembly, session `Venus: models, observations, (early) Earth and exoplanet analogue’.
AGU Fall Meeting, session ‘Deep Connections: Structures, Dynamics, and Interactions at Earth’s Core-Mantle Boundary’
Goldschmidt Conference, co-chair of the overarching theme ‘Earth’s deep interior’
EGU General Assembly, session ‘Venus: models, observations, (early) Earth and exoplanet analogue’
LPSC, session ‘Venus’ surface: is it Hot in here, or is it just me?’
AGU Fall Meeting, session ‘Interdisciplinary Advances in Understanding Earth’s Lowermost Mantle Landscape’
EGU General Assembly, session ‘Venus: models, observations, exoplanet analogue’
LPSC, session ‘Venus: Mantles, Lithospheres, Atmospheres, Oh My!’
AGU Fall Meeting, session ‘Toward an Interdisciplinary Understanding on the Structure, Composition, and Dynamic Evolution of the Lower Mantle’
EGU General Assembly, session ‘Deformation processes from grain- to planetary-scales: experiments, observations, and models’
EGU General Assembly, short course ‘Meet the EGU journal editors’
AGU Fall Meeting, session ‘Interdisciplinary perspectives on intraplate magmatism, mantle plumes, and the deep Earth: both past and present’
Europlanet Science Congress, session ‘Venus Science and Exploration’
Goldschmidt Conference, session ‘Ancient mantle heterogeneities through time: observations to modelling’
EGU General Assembly, session ‘From minerals to the dynamics of Earth’s interior: linking crystal chemistry, rheology, and geodynamics across the scales’
EGU General Assembly, short course ‘Meet the EGU journal editors’